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 1. Computerworld, Joyce Carpenter, David Pogue, Ian Lamont, Kim Jones  Computerworld Input Output: David Pogue on Vista; Education 2.0 explained   
 2. Computerworld, Ian Lamont, Scot Finnie, Joyce Carpenter, Richi Jennings  Computerworld Input Output: Criticizing Mac OS X; Spam surge explained   
 3. Computerworld, Ian Lamont, Rob Mitchell, Joyce Carpenter, Preston Gralla  Computerworld Input Output: IT Architect certifications; Pros and Cons of Vista networking   
 4. Computerworld, Ian Lamont, Scot Finnie, Joyce Carpenter, Bert Latamore  Computerworld Input Output: What the Vista launch means for early adopters; PDA shopping guide   
 5. Computerworld, Ian Lamont, Rob Mitchell, Joyce Carpenter, Richi Jennings  Computerworld Input Output: When backups go bad; what's next for Spamhaus   
 6. Computerworld, Ian Lamont, Rob Mitchell, Joyce Carpenter, David Platt  Computerworld Input Output: Sun's data center in a can; Why software sucks   
 7. Computerworld, Ian Lamont, Rob Mitchell, Joyce Carpenter, Martin McKeay  Computerworld Input Output: Cobol's Rodney Dangerfield routine; PCI update not enough?   
 8. Computerworld/Ian Lamont/Joyce Carpenter  Computerworld Input/Output: The psychological impact of IT layoffs; tech addictions taken too far?   
 9. Computerworld, Ian Lamont, Robert Mitchell, Joyce Carpenter, Bert Latamore  Computerworld Input Output: Office 2007 survey results; Gadget guy not ga-ga for smartphones   
 10. Computerworld/Ian Lamont/Joyce Carpenter  Computerworld Input Output: The NYPD's expanded data warehouse; testing out Sun's T1000   
 11. Computerworld, Ian Lamont, James Zhang, Joyce Carpenter, Martin MC Brown  Computerworld Input Output: A new approach to recruiting developers in China; Gears of War review   
 12. Computerworld, Ian Lamont, Preston Gralla, Joyce Carpenter, Richi Jennings  Computerworld Input Output: An FCC critic speaks out; French parliament to go open source   
 13. Computerworld, Joyce Carpenter, Rob Mitchell, Ian Lamont, Lucas Mearian  Computerworld Input Output: Home NAS setups; Dual-format Blu-Ray/HD-DVD fails to impress   
 14. Computerworld, Joyce Carpenter, Johanna Ambrosio, Ian Lamont, Lewin Edwards  Computerworld Input Output: Pandemic planning for IT; embedded software engineers and the toy industry   
 15. Computerworld, Ian Lamont, Angela Gunn, Joyce Carpenter, David Haskin  Computerworld Input Output: E-Voting post-mortem; Mobile phone music downloads   
 16. Computerworld, Ian Lamont, Rob Mitchell, Joyce Carpenter, Preston Gralla  Computerworld Input Output: Don't blame Diebold for all e-voting woes; an American broadband ghetto?   
 17. Computerworld, Ian Lamont, Robert Mitchell, Joyce Carpenter, Jerri Ledford  Computerworld Input Output: Predictive analytics and ARM risk, the benefits of a document digitization project   
 18. Computerworld, Ian Lamont, Robert Mitchell, Joyce Carpenter, Chuck Musciano, Bill Kennedy  Computerworld Input Output: Why many IT shops shun virtualization; Interview with authors of HTML and XHTML: The Definitive Guide   
 19. Challenger  Input the Output  Give People What They Want in Lethal Doses  
 20. Challenger  Input The Output  PMCD-R CD Master v1.0  
 21. Challenger  Input The Output  PMCD-R CD Master v1.0  
 22. Flying Blanket Recording  TheLetterpress-Input output  Input/Output 
 23. Ian Dickinson  GCSE ICT Data Input Process Output and Storage  GCSE ICT 
 24. Ian Dickinson  GCSE ICT Data Input Process Output and Storage  GCSE ICT 
 25. Tom Merritt & Molly Wood  Buzzcast 3/20/2006 - Mea culpa-fest with David Pogue  CNET.com 
 26. Computerworld  Computerworld TechCast: Barriers to Vista Adoption   
 27. Kent Bottles, MD and David Leach, MD  The Importance of Private Practitioners in the Education of the Next Generation of Physicians with David Leach, MD, and Executive Director of ACGME  The Journal of Medical Practice Management 
 28. Dean Martineau  Windows Vista's speech Recognition: Vista's Half-buried Treasure  Tek Talk Archives 
 29. Dean Martineau  Windows Vista's speech Recognition: Vista's Half-buried Treasure  Tek Talk Archives 
 30. Amber MacArthur, Sarah Lane and Leo Laporte  net@nite 112: The World According To Pogue  net@nite August 2009 
   1 2 3 4 5 6 7    »
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